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src/main/java/com/xkl/controller/uspih/ 5.51 KB
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package com.xkl.controller.uspih;

import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.Api;
import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParam;
import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParams;
import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import com.xkl.authorization.annotation.Authorization;
import com.xkl.authorization.annotation.CurrentAdmin;
import com.xkl.authorization.manager.ITokenManager;
import com.xkl.authorization.model.TokenModel;
import com.xkl.config.Constants;
import com.xkl.config.ResultStatus;
import com.xkl.domain.XklAdminEntity;
import com.xkl.model.ResultModel;
import com.xkl.repository.AMPMachineRepository;
import com.xkl.repository.AdminRepository;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

 * USPIH软件登录及退出接口
 * 获取和删除token的请求地址,在Restful设计中其实就对应着登录和退出登录的资源映射
@Api("USPIH admin account login and logout")
public class AdminAccountController {

    private AdminRepository adminRepository;

    private ITokenManager tokenManager;

    public static final String USPIH_TOKEN_PREFIX = "USPIHTOKEN";

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
    @ApiOperation(value = "USPIH Login", notes = "login")
    public ResponseEntity<ResultModel> login(@RequestParam String account, @RequestParam String password) {
        Assert.notNull(account, "account can not be empty");
        Assert.notNull(password, "password can not be empty");

        XklAdminEntity admin = adminRepository.findByAccountAndStatus(account, Constants.STATUS_OK);
        if (admin == null) {
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            return new ResponseEntity<>(ResultModel.error(ResultStatus.USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_ERROR), HttpStatus.OK);
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        String salt = admin.getSalt();
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        String adminType = Integer.toString(admin.getType());
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        String str = account + password + adminType + salt; // 构建待加密字符串
        String calcuPass = SecurityTool.encode(SecurityTool.ALGORITHM_MD5, str);
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        String pass_in_db = admin.getPwd();
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//        String calcuPass = SecurityTool.getPassword(account, password, salt);
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        if (!calcuPass.equals(pass_in_db) ||//密码错误
                admin.getStatus() != 1) {//用户无效
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            return new ResponseEntity<>(ResultModel.error(ResultStatus.USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_ERROR), HttpStatus.OK);
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        TokenModel model = tokenManager.createToken(USPIH_TOKEN_PREFIX + admin.getId());
        return new ResponseEntity<>(ResultModel.ok(model), HttpStatus.OK);

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
    @ApiOperation(value = "USPIH logout")
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "authorization", value = "Input id and login token: userId_tokens", required = true, dataType = "string", paramType = "header"),
    public ResponseEntity<ResultModel> logout(@CurrentAdmin XklAdminEntity admin) {
        tokenManager.deleteToken(USPIH_TOKEN_PREFIX + admin.getId());
        return new ResponseEntity<>(ResultModel.ok(), HttpStatus.OK);
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    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT)
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    @ApiOperation(value = "USPIH Login and modify password")
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    public ResponseEntity<ResultModel> loginModPwd(@RequestParam String account, @RequestParam String password, @RequestParam String newpwd) {
        Assert.notNull(account, "account can not be empty");
        Assert.notNull(password, "password can not be empty");

        XklAdminEntity admin = adminRepository.findByAccountAndStatus(account, Constants.STATUS_OK);
        if (admin == null) {
            return new ResponseEntity<>(ResultModel.error(ResultStatus.USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_ERROR), HttpStatus.OK);
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        String salt = admin.getSalt();
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        String adminType = Integer.toString(admin.getType());
        String str = account + password + adminType + salt; // 构建待加密字符串
        String calcuPass = SecurityTool.encode(SecurityTool.ALGORITHM_MD5, str);
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        String pass_in_db = admin.getPwd();
        if (!calcuPass.equals(pass_in_db) ||//密码错误
                admin.getStatus() != 1) {//用户无效
            return new ResponseEntity<>(ResultModel.error(ResultStatus.USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_ERROR), HttpStatus.OK);
        salt = SecurityTool.genSalt();
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        str = account + newpwd + adminType + salt; // 构建待加密字符串
        String pass2Db = SecurityTool.encode(SecurityTool.ALGORITHM_MD5, str);
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        TokenModel model = tokenManager.createToken(USPIH_TOKEN_PREFIX + admin.getId());
        return new ResponseEntity<>(ResultModel.ok(model), HttpStatus.OK);
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